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ADS4000 Power Transmission and Distribution Equipment Integrated Condition Monitoring and Evaluation Platform
The platform is based on the data of the provincial power company and the new pilot transformer on-line monitoring equipment and GIS equipment, such as on-line monitoring system, technical supervision system, dispatching SCADA system, production MIS system and marketing MIS system data, to realize automatic data collection. Different formats of data into a unified format, to build a device as a unit of the whole life cycle information database to the standard system as the support to the computer assessment system and expert support decision-making system as the basis, to achieve the fine equipment management, and ultimately to achieve equipment Lifecycle management. It has advanced service functions such as monitoring and early warning, fault diagnosis, condition evaluation, risk assessment, capacity assessment and maintenance strategy. It provides efficient maintenance and dispatch decision support. It can realize information sharing, collaborative management and management of all business departments through all-round visual management interface. Resource optimization, and provide the status of information display, warning, analysis, diagnosis, evaluation and forecasting of the substation equipment, and to provide status monitoring data for other related systems to realize the state monitoring and operation management of the whole network.

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